Millions of Americans suffer from injuries in the workplace each year. Work-related injuries can be emotionally, physically and financially damaging. While they can range in severity, work-related injuries can often impact a person’s ability to perform the responsibilities of their job, as well as participate in everyday activities.
Work-related injuries can be caused by sudden or traumatic accidents, such as slip and falls. They can also develop over time through repetitive motions, overexertion or similar physically harmful activities. Many people will fully recover from their workplace injuries, but for those whose injuries are persistent and develop into chronic pain, regular chiropractic appointments may be answer.

Common occupations with workplace injuries:
Many types of jobs can place significant demands on the body, especially the back, shoulders and neck, including both blue-collar and white-collar professions. Contrary to popular belief, people who work in sedentary work environments or “safe” office jobs are also at risk of work-related injuries.
At Petett Chiropractic, some common professions of the patients we treat with work-related injuries include but are not limited to: first responders and police officers, construction workers, general laborers and maintenance workers, truck drivers, sales people and office workers.
Common types of workplace injuries:
Repetitive stress injuries: Repeating the same motion many times each day can put an elevated level of strain on the muscles and soft tissue used to make the motion. This type of injury includes conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome and sciatica.
Overexertion: Overexertion injuries are also referred to as strains and sprains, which include injuries to the major joints and back. Overexertion injuries are typically caused by lifting, push or pulling heavy objects or doing so incorrectly.
Pain or numbness: Many jobs may require standing all day, whether in one place or within a specified area, including retail salespeople, production line workers and waiters to name a few. This can cause pain or numbness in the legs, back and shoulders.
Preventing work-related injuries
In order to prevent workplace injuries, make sure your workstation is set up in a way to minimize any unnecessary physical stress or demands on your body. For office workers or anyone who are required to sit at a desk for prolonged periods of time, a standup desk may be a good option to consider so you can alternate between sitting and standing depending on your comfort preference. Sitting on an exercise ball as oppose to a traditional office chair can also strengthen your core, improve posture and decrease discomfort.
When lifting heavy objects at work, be sure you are bending your legs and not your back when lifting. Another key tip to remember is to keep the object raised. The lower an object is, the more strain your body endures. Most importantly, know your limits. If an object feels too heavy for you to lift, ask for assistance. Pushing yourself past your comfortable, physical limits at work can easily result in an injury.
Renton chiropractic care for workplace injuries
Whether you have been hurt in a one-time accident or have sustained an injury due to repeated stress over time, our Renton chiropractic doctors can create a customized plan that is designed to treat the underlying cause and help restore you back to full health. Along with taking the necessary preventative measures, as mentioned above, chiropractic can help prevent further injuries from developing in the future.
Our chiropractic treatment begins with an initial examination of your health history and injury concerns. X-rays may be necessary in order to pinpoint specific problem areas. Following your first visit, our chiropractor will create a treatment plan that is guaranteed safe and pain-free. While chiropractic is known for treating the back and spine with gentle spinal adjustments, we also work on the neck, legs, shoulders, arms and other parts of the body as well.
If you’re suffering from work-related injuries, schedule an appointment at our Renton chiropractic clinic as soon as you can. Our experienced and knowledgeable chiropractic team is here to get you back on your feet as quickly as possible.