Pregnancy is a beautiful time in motherhood. Throughout the 40-weeks of pregnancy, your body goes through a series of remarkable changes, most obviously the expansion of your belly. However, there are an endless number of changes that occur which cannot be seen. Although hormonal fluctuations and physical symptoms are unique to every pregnant mother, pregnancy can often cause intense stress and strain on the body that can have long-term effects even after birth.

Chiropractic care is an incredible tool to ease physical discomfort, help reduce stress, and overall supports good health and wellbeing. But many pregnant women out there might be asking the question: is chiropractic care safe for me? The short answer: YES! According to the American Pregnancy Association, there have been no known contraindication to chiropractic care throughout pregnancy. Not only is it safe for pregnant women to visit a chiropractor, it is highly recommended.
As a pregnant mother, you will inevitably experience physiological and endocrinological changes as your body forms to support your developing baby, including but not limited to misalignment of the spine, lower back and neck pain, pelvic pain, and much more. Incorporating regular chiropractic adjustments throughout your pregnancy can help to improve these symptoms. In addition, your chiropractor can help establish pelvic alignment and balance, allowing more room in the pelvis for your growing bundle of joy.
Here at Petett Chiropractic, we are equipped with the knowledge and expertise to support you throughout all 40-weeks of your pregnancy. We can customize a comprehensive prenatal wellness plan to fit your unique needs through your pregnancy and beyond. We also offer pediatric chiropractic care for infants to support optimum growth and development. Contact your Renton chiropractors at Petett Chiropractic at 425-277-2225 to learn more about pregnancy chiropractic care or to schedule your first visit.