Safety Strategies for Santa’s Helpers | Renton Chiropractic

Petett-Chiropractic-RentonMaybe you live in the North Pole and believe it’s your job to spread cheer this time of the year. Or, maybe your significant other has been anxiously waiting for you to hang the lights while all of your friends are mocking you with Facebook photos of their Pinterest-perfect trees. (At Petett Chiropractic, we’re big fans of a little holiday cheer in the office, too.) No matter who you are or how much you adore a nice red and green arrangement, think safety first when decking your halls this season. It would be a shame to injure yourself in an attempt to fill your home with holiday cheer before the big day.

Our Renton Chiropractic safety guide for all of Santa’s helpers is a must have during both set up and tear down:

 1. Be sure to do outdoor decorating during the day, when the temperature is higher and there is plenty of light. You don’t want the cold, dark bite of the night that sends you tripping over a power cord or slipping on a sheet of ice.

2. If you’re up on the rooftops be sure you have the right shoes. Footwear should be of an appropriate size and tied or otherwise secured to your foot. The bottom of the shoes should offer good grip and tread to help you maintain your footing.

3. When lifting heavy boxes from the basement, be sure you have a clear path to follow since your vision will likely be obstructed on your return. Tripping would not only pose a threat to great grandma’s Christmas Eve china set but also to your adult body!

4. When lifting, always remember to bend at your knees, with feet shoulder width apart and shoulders back. It may feel awkward in the moment but it will save you a lot of grief later.

5. Don’t try to lift more than your body is able to. A few extra trips for supplies will surely outweigh a few days of bed rest.

6. Keep your tree hydrated and never leave your live tree lit for extended periods of time. And never attended! This mistake is one of the leading causes for household fires in December. Once your tree begins fading to brown, be sure to recycle it as soon as possible. See this link for local tree recycling resources.


photo credit: Decorating The Tree via photopin (license)