Young male athlete jogging at the promenade. Legs in motion. A quiet beach with sand dunes on the background
It is widely believed that exercising when you feel sick can not only make you feel better but may help you heal. According to blog Healthuni, if you follow the “neck rule” exercise can be OK. The “neck rule” argues that if you have any symptoms above the neck it is safe to continue with your regular exercise. That means stuffy noses, headaches, and sore throats are consider in the safe zone.
If you have lung problems, chills, or a fever, experts strongly advise against working out.Exercising with a fever can increase your risk of dehydration and is dangerous for your health. Raising your internal body temperature can make your illness worse. Need a point of reference? WebMD says a fever of more than 101 degrees Fahrenheit is the tipping point.
If you find yourself hitting the gym even when you’re feeling crummy, try reducing the time or intensity of your work outs. Chances are if you break a sweat regularly you’ll end up feeling worse if you don’t work out, but sometimes it’s good to take some time off.
Still unsure of when you should take a break? Listen to your body. If you are having trouble breathing from tightness in your chest, you probably should skip the gym and take a nap. A typical uncomplicated cold lasts no more than a week, while the flu can last more then 10 days. This is especially true with bronchitis or sinusitis, which can last up to two weeks.
Those who exercise regularly come down with illnesses much less than those who don’t. Start working out to do some preventative maintenance for your body.
Feeling tense from your sickness? Give us a call at (425) 277-2225 or contact us online and schedule an appointment today!
Source: Healthuni and WebMD