Every time January rolls around, many of us make New Year’s resolutions in hopes of improving an area of our life or lifestyle. Statistic Brain estimates that 45% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions. Year after year, the most common reported resolutions relate to improving health. At Petett Chiropractic, we want to help you achieve your physical health goals through both our chiropractic services and expert knowledge.
Our team at Renton’s Petett Chiropractic share our top three New Year’s resolutions that we recommend you should commit to in 2017.

New Year’s Resolution #1: Be active outdoors
Gym memberships tend to soar every January. Busy and crowded gyms are difficult to work-out in, and can sometimes feel like a chore. For 2017, incorporate more outdoor activities as part of your workout or exercise regime. We encourage our patients to live an active and healthy Northwest lifestyle—this means getting outside and enjoying the beauty of the outdoors through physical activity.
Here in the Pacific Northwest, we’re incredibly fortunate to have beautiful mountains, great hikes, and various bodies of water in our backyard. Whether it’s hiking, rock climbing, skiing or mountain biking, take some time this year to find an activity that fits your personal interest or skill level.
New Year’s Resolution #2: Strengthen your spine
Your spine is important in supporting whole body health and the overall structure of the body. Not only does it keep the body upright, the spine is a series of bones that protects the spinal cord and central nervous system. Any changes or impacts to the spine can affect movement and mobility.
For 2017, we highly recommend making a resolution to strengthen your spine through proper exercise. When standing, practice proper standing posture by holding your head straight up, keep shoulders back, with your knees straight and stomach in. To prevent injury or deterioration, make an effort to improve posture. Try sitting on an exercise ball at your desk or consider using a standing desk instead. Don’t forget to stretch daily, including before and after working out or exercising.
New Year’s Resolution #3: Take care of your body
Your overall health comprises of many components working cohesively with one another, e.g. physical wellness, mental health, nutrition and diet, etc. For New Year 2017, we encourage you to make a commitment to take care of your body through regular chiropractic adjustments, and other similar services.
For some, it’s easy to procrastinate getting proper treatment for pain or injuries. Some common reasons may be because of cost, busy schedules, or just plain anxiety or nervousness for the chiropractor. Don’t wait until you’re hurt or your pain gets worse—postponing necessary chiropractic treatment will only lead to worsening health issues down the road.
Oftentimes, there isn’t one end-all-be-all cure for our pain or health issue. This is why we offer a variety of services and therapies to work alongside chiropractic care in order to create a customized, optimal program. From spinal care classes to licensed massage therapists, our Renton chiropractors will look closely at your unique needs to determine how to best approach your treatment for effective, long-lasting results.
It’s a new year, new you! Make a personal commitment towards health and self-improvement. Schedule your next chiropractic visit with us today.